Order 8Ա about Specialized council 0.19 of Higher Attestation Commission



1.   Approve the activities of the Specialized Council 0.19 on linguistics of Higher Attestation Commission at the Institute of Language of NAS RA in the above composition.

2 . Allow Council to organize a thesis’ defense in accordance with the list of scientific degrees of Armenia in the following specialties:

      10.02.01 - Armenian - philological sciences.

      10.02.02 - General and Comparative linguistics - philological sciences.

3 . Allow Specialized Council on linguistics to organize a thesis’ defense on Ph.D in accordance with the list of scientific degrees of Armenia in the following specialties:

        10.02.06 - Ancient and modern languages ​​of Asia ( Iranian languages​​) - philological sciences, including the following specialists in the board:

         Voskanyan Vardan    PhD  10.02.06

         Charchyan Tadevos   PhD  10.02.06

         Kirakosyan  Hasmik  PhD  10.02.06.

4 . Allow Specialized Council on linguistics to organize a thesis’ defense on Ph.D in accordance with the list of scientific degrees of Armenia in the following specialties:

        10.02.06 - Ancient and modern languages ​​of Asia (Turkic) - philological sciences, including the following specialists in the board:

        Safaryan Alexander     PhD  10.02.06

        Soghomonyan Ashot   PhD  10.02.06

        Sahakyan Lusine         PhD  10.02.06

5 . Validity of the Specialized Council is until  December 31, 2014.

Reason: Introduction of Chairman of Higher Attestation Commission (№ 2476-62, 24.12.2013 and № 2476-01, 10.01.2014).

Chairman of Higher Attestation Commission      L.Arzumanyan




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