Young Linguist

The Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Language of National Academy of Sciences of  RA was created  in 17.05.2010. The aim of the Council is to give the young linguists the possibility of mutual contacts, discuss the results of their researches by means of conferences organized for young scientists. For that aim, in the summer of 2011 the conference was organized by young linguists which also involved young linguists from the Universities of RA. The Council as an intermediary is coordinating the general academic programs for young scientists. Currently the social program is being carried out to provide young researchers with affordable housing, the recipients of which are also the young specialists of the Institute of Languages who are in need of housing.

List of The Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Language of NAS RA

Sirunyan Tigran (chairman)
Khachatryan Valentine (Vice-Chairman)
Emin-Teryan Anahit
Safaryan Tatevik
Tadevosyan Hasmik.


Last books


Amir Mehdi Zeyghami  «Semantic Development of Ethnonyms in Classical Persian Literature (IX – XVI centuries)»
 10.02.06 «Ancient and new Languages of Asia»
 on 26.06.2024,  at 15.00...


Anush Andranik Khachatryan  «Language of the Electronic press (vocabulary, grammar)»

 10.02.01 «Armenian Language»

 on30.04.2024,  at 15.00

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