Department of History of the Armenian Language

Department of History of the Armenian language (head of Department - Gayane Mkhitaryan - PhD) studies are conducted in the historical and descriptive directions (the  lexical-semantic groups of Grabar, the lexical research of sources for  Grabar and Middle Armenian are studied). All seven members of the Department have scientific degrees, one - D Phil, corresponding member of NAS RA.


Last books


Amir Mehdi Zeyghami  «Semantic Development of Ethnonyms in Classical Persian Literature (IX – XVI centuries)»
 10.02.06 «Ancient and new Languages of Asia»
 on 26.06.2024,  at 15.00...


Anush Andranik Khachatryan  «Language of the Electronic press (vocabulary, grammar)»

 10.02.01 «Armenian Language»

 on30.04.2024,  at 15.00

Scientific adviser...

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