Department of Applied Linguistics

 Department of Applied Linguistics (head of Department - candidate of technical sciences, Angela Manukyan) performs  work on the creation of electronic grammar dictionary of the Armenian language. The electronic concordances of original and translated works of authors  of 9-11 centuries are compiling.  These concordances are editing by experts. Electronic concordances for  works of Movses Kaghankatvatsi  "History of country Agvan",  Ukhtanes Episkopos  "History of Armenia", Kirakos Gandzaketsi " History of Armenia", Khosrovik Targmanich, Aristakes Lastivertsi are ready and will be posted on the website. In the department there are 8 researchers, one of them - DPhil, one - PhD, one - candidate of technical sciences.


Last books


Amir Mehdi Zeyghami  «Semantic Development of Ethnonyms in Classical Persian Literature (IX – XVI centuries)»
 10.02.06 «Ancient and new Languages of Asia»
 on 26.06.2024,  at 15.00...


Anush Andranik Khachatryan  «Language of the Electronic press (vocabulary, grammar)»

 10.02.01 «Armenian Language»

 on30.04.2024,  at 15.00

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